Welcome & Information |
Huntsville Obedience Training Club |
Search Dogs |
Prize Patrol |
Prizes For Poop |
Welcome & Information
Welcome & Information is the perfect place to start your visit to the HOTC Dog Fair.
The latest map and activity schedules can be picked up and be sure to enter the free door-prize drawings which will be held throughout the day. Dozens of door-prizes will be given away.
The knowledgeable volunteers can help you plan your visit and answer any questions you may have about the various activities.
They can also provide information about the Huntsville Obedience Training Club which is hosting this event, and the American Kennel Club which promotes responsible dog ownership.
Huntsville Obedience Training Club
We invite you to visit the Huntsville Obedience Training Club (
HOTC) tent to learn about our class offerings and discuss which would be most appropriate for your dog.
Here we will also have information about the
Yellow Dog Project, a global movement for dogs that need extra space due to fear, aggression, training issues, or health concerns.
We'll have yellow ribbons available if you need one for your own dog.
Search Dogs
The Huntsville Search Dog Unit and SARTEC K-9 Unit,
provide specially trained dog/handler teams to assist in searches for missing persons
in wilderness and urban settings, both on land and in water.
Dogs are trained in four specific disciplines: mantrailing, air-scenting, human remains
detection, and disaster search and rescue.
Training these dogs to the level required for the various certifications requires a
great commitment of time from this all-volunteer unit.
Visit with them during the Dog Fair to learn more about their roles and capabilities,
and look for demonstrations of these exceptional dogs in action.
Prize Patrol
Can your dog do a trick?
Shake hands, roll over, bark on command?
Anything will satisfy the Prize Patrol.
The Prize Patrol will be roving through the grounds with prizes to give away for even the simpliest of tricks.
Look for the people with orange aprons and bags marked PRIZE PATROL and let your dog show his stuff!
Prizes For Poop
All the dogs in attendance at the Dog Fair no doubt create a lot of poop,
but thanks to the innovative PRIZES FOR POOP program, the grounds are kept clean
throughout the day.
How does it work?
Simple, if you see dog poop, put it in a poop bag and take it to Welcome & Information
near the Pavilion, or to the Prizes For Poop tent.
Volunteers there will happily exchange a prize for it.
Bags are available at the entrances to all rings, at Welcome & Information and Prizes For Poop,
and are also attached to many of the signs requesting exhibitors to clean up after their dogs.
If you don't know how to do it, just ask any volunteer in a Dog Fair tee-shirt.
It doesn't even have to be your dog's poop, just turn it in and get a prize!